Zoom Call Forwarding

Zoom Call Forwarding

If you need to forward calls to your cell phone, or need to forward calls to a coworker while you're busy or out of the office these few steps can get you set up! This article will go over how to set this up on your PC or your mobile phone.

To set Call Forwarding in the PC Desktop Application:

Lets get started:
We need to ensure the Desktop App is Open

1. Tap your profile icon in the top right of the Zoom App.
2. Click on "Forward Calls"

3. Set if you want the calls to forward to someone, a number, such as a cell phone, or just go to voicemail.
4. Enter the name of the person to forward to or the phone number you wish the calls to forward to.
5. Select how long you wish these calls to be forwarded.
5. Click save and you're all set!

Now when someone calls you it will go directly to the phone number you entered or coworker.
You should be all set! We recommend always testing the changes you make to verify it went through properly.

To set Call Forwarding in the Android mobile app:

NOTE: This is on an Android device, IOS settings may vary slightly.

1. Open the Zoom App on your phone.
2. Tap on "More" in the bottom right.
3.Tap on "Phone".
4. Tap "Forward Calls"
5. Tap the selection you wish to forward, such as a external number or coworker, set the number or coworker to forward to.
6. Set the duration of forwarding.
7. Tap "Enable" to save the setting and you're all set!

Now when someone calls you it will go directly to the phone number you entered or coworker.
We recommend always testing the changes you make to verify it went through properly.


If you have any issues please contact helpdesk@crossco.com and we'll be glad to assist you in setting this up.

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