Zoom Migration FAQ

Zoom Migration FAQ

Below are some commonly asked questions about the Cross migration from RingCentral to Zoom.

Are we only changing our meetings from RingCentral to Zoom?
No, the entire RingCentral application is going away. All meetings, chat and phone will be in the Zoom app. We encourage all associates to begin using Zoom now for chat and meetings. On May 15th, our phone numbers will be moved from RingCentral to Zoom. After this, RingCentral will no longer be in use.

How do we get our RingCentral Teams into Zoom?
In Zoom, you will want to create a new "Channel". A Channel is Zoom's equivalent to a Team in RingCentral. If you are the current owner/admin of a RingCentral Team, you should now create the same Team in Zoom as a Channel. This way, you are still the owner/admin of the Channel. IT cannot create these for our employees, because it will add us to the Channel, as well as make us the Admin for each one. The admin/owner is the person responsible for adding and removing members from each, if you wish to keep it private.

Will our RingCentral chat history and files be migrated over?
Unfortunately, there is no feature that can import history from RingCentral into Zoom. If you have files and data you wish to retain, please save the information and add it to Google Drive or NetSuite.

I have received emails about new phone numbers in Zoom. Is my phone number changing?
If you have a 10 digit number assigned to you in RingCentral, this number will remain the same in Zoom and will be transferred over on May 15th. You may receive a temporary 10 digit number in Zoom or see that the IT department has added your mobile numbers if you have them in RingCentral.

Can I use Zoom now for phone calls?
At this time, Zoom can be used for all internal calls, as nearly all employees have been configured. However, not many employees have 10 digit numbers at this time, as we are waiting on the phone number transfer/port to occur on May 15. We highly encourage everyone to get familiar with Zoom ahead of time, so that we are prepared for the retirement of RingCentral in May.

What is the Area Code setting?
The Area Code setting under Phone, is used to dial local numbers without the area code. You will want to make sure this is set to the same area code that matches your number. This setting is found in Zoom after opening settings in OKTA. Select Phone on the left side. Select Settings at the top. Locate Area Code 7 options down.
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