Using the Snipping Tool / How to take screenshots in Windows

Using the Snipping Tool / How to take screenshots in Windows

I can speak on behalf of everyone in all areas of support. We love screenshots! We don't so much love blurry photos of your monitor taken with your phone :) Windows comes with a fantastic utility called the Snipping Tool that many of you already know, love and use regularly. For those who don't, you can click the Start button and type snip and you'll see it. If you want to be a PRO, learn the keyboard shortcut Shift+Win+S which will launch the snipping tool and give you the crosshairs to drag around the area you want to take a screenshot of. PSAMore is more when it comes to screenshots. Don't be afraid to capture the whole screen for context!

IT is actively pushing out an update to Windows 11 that enables a new feature in the snipping tool that does text recognition in images! This is super helpful in all kinds of situations. If you receive a PDF from a customer that was scanned, you can't copy/paste the text since it's an image. Now you can use the snipping tool to screenshot the PDF and capture it. If there is text on a website or in an image that you're unable to copy, snip it then copy it! There is also a cool new redaction feature that lets you feel like the CIA! 

Here's how it works. I've already used the snipping tool to capture a portion of a webpage. I'll click the text actions button which will cause it to search the snip for text. I can then copy all or only a portion of the text and redact sensitive info before sending this out in an email or to a customer, etc. You can get specific portions of the text by highlighting it and pressing Ctrl+C or right clicking and choosing Copy text. You can copy all of the text by clicking Copy all text in the bar at the top.

This new feature is only available on Windows 11. Don't forget to take advantage of the highlighter and the marker to identify the important parts of your screenshots. Did you know the snipping tool can draw arrows, too? You can increase the size and change the color like this:
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