MetCal Install / Fluke RunTime

MetCal Install / Fluke RunTime

Installing Fluke Runtime

Mapping M: Drive

You will need to Map the server we use to host MetCal.

From This PC on your file Explorer. Click on Map Network Drive.

Select the drive letter M.

Enter the following Folder: \\\metcal

Leave Reconnect at Sign-In Checked.

Fluke Installation

You may need to do this step up to three times.

You will install C++ 2015 and Visual Studio.
Visual Studio Update
MetCal Client

Navigate to folder:


C++ Installation.

Double click on Setup

  1. Click Run

  2. Select English as the Installation Language,

  3. Click Install.

  4. Follow the prompts as necessary

  5. If you receive this message:
    Click yes to continue, this just means you already had C++ 2015 installed.

  6. If you receive the following message:

  7. On your Metcal Client Installation, use this as the Company Name.

  8. You will need to change the location of the shared files folder to the M drive you mapped earlier.
    Click “Change…”

Select the M: Drive, and click Ok.

  1. Open command prompt as an administrator

  2. Type in the following:
    net use M: \\\metcal

  3. Press Enter

  4. Click on the Change button again, and select the M drive, and hit OK.

  1. Your installation is complete when you see the following screen.

  2. Reboot your computer after this installation.

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