Keyboard Shortcuts aka Hot Keys

Keyboard Shortcuts aka Hot Keys

Navigate your documents and screen a lot faster when you use these keyboard shortcuts for formatting and more.

  1. Ctrl+Home: Get back to the top of your doc.

  2. Ctrl+B: Bold.

  3. Ctrl+E: Center alignment

  1. Ctrl+L: Back to left alignment.

  2. Ctrl+M: Insert comment.

  3. Ctrl+H: Replace.

  4. Ctrl+End: Go to last cell in data region.

  5. Ctrl+Home: Go to first cell in data region.

  6. Shift+spacebar: Select entire row.

  7. Ctrl+Z: Undo.

  8. Ctrl+Y: Redo.

  9. Ctrl+spacebar: Select entire column.

  10. Ctrl+J: Full justify.

  11. Ctrl+Shift+L: Bulleted list.

  12. Ctrl+Shift+Space: Insert non-breaking space.

  13. Page Down: Move down one screen.

  14. Ctrl+K: Inset link.

  15. Ctrl+Shift+F: Full screen.

  16. Page Up: Move up one screen.

  17. Ctrl+Space: Remove formatting.

  18. Ctrl+: Heading style 1. Change the "1" to any number 1-6 and get the corresponding header.

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