Introduction to Chrome - Sign in and Bookmarks

Introduction to Chrome - Sign in and Bookmarks

Chrome is the official web browser that Cross associates will use and in this video we’re going to talk about how profiles work, how to effectively use bookmarks, we’ll talk about tabs and finally show you some cool tricks that will save you time.

Chrome stores individual information and customizations in a profile. Profiles are accessed by clicking the avatar at the top right of the browser. Profiles allow you to use multiple accounts, with individual bookmarks, extensions and even themes to easily distinguish between them.

At a minimum, every employee should be signed into a profile that synchronizes with their work email. When you receive a new PC it will probably already be signed in for you. The way to check is by clicking the avatar and verifying that it says ‘Sync is on’. If you see your email and ‘sync is on’ then you’re in good shape.

If you see ‘Error’ when looking in this area, click on it to see what is causing the error. We often see references to the Application Launcher for Google Drive extension that Chrome needs you to re-authorize. If that is the case, click on the extension and then click on ‘Enable extension’ to make the error go away.

If you click on the avatar and you see the option to ‘Turn on sync’, click on that then sign in with your work email address and confirm that you want to link your data to that profile.

Good! Now you should be signed into Chrome with a profile, which means your bookmarks and extensions are being backed up to the cloud. When you sign into Chrome on another computer, your settings will follow you.

Let’s talk about Bookmarks

The bookmark bar in Chrome is a great place to put frequently visited websites and Google Drive documents. You probably already know how to bookmark a site but I’d like to show you a few tips to make the most of that precious real estate.

The first tip is making sure that the bookmarks bar is enabled by going to the Chrome menu, then Bookmarks, then making sure that ‘Show Bookmarks bar’ is checked.

Now let’s go to and bookmark it. To do so, click the star in the address bar and Add bookmark. Before you click Done, take a look at the title of this bookmark. It’s a little long. Let’s change it to Weather and make sure it is saving to the Bookmarks Bar.

The Weather Channel logo is easy to spot. You probably don’t even need a name. Let’s save more space by right clicking on the bookmark and going to Edit

Erase the name entirely and click Save. You can do this for any sites that have a unique icon and save even more space on your bar.

It’s a great idea to bookmark frequently used Google Drive files.

Here’s a form that supervisors use when hiring new employees. Before we bookmark this, let’s create a folder on our bookmarks bar to put it in.Right click the bookmarks bar and click Add folder. Let’s name it Cross Forms.

Now when we bookmark this page, let’s change the location to Cross Forms.

You can drag and drop bookmarks back onto the bookmarks bar or into folders as you like.

Once you bookmark a site, if you begin typing the name of the bookmark in the address bar you’ll see it will appear as a top result for quick browsing.

Next let’s talk about tabs. Cross associates love their tabs! A great tip to memorize is that if you accidentally close an important tab you can press Ctrl+Shift+T to bring it back. Not just the last tab either, you can repeatedly press it to restore tabs from your history.

If you have many tabs open at once (and you do) then you should try out the new grouping feature. Right click on a tab and click Add tab to new group. Give it a name and a color if you like.

You can drop other tabs into the existing group, which makes them stand out from other tabs.

If you click the name of your group, it will collapse those tabs to keep your Chrome session clean and organized!

Let’s jump into the Chrome settings by clicking the menu, then Settings. Scroll to the bottom and take a look at the ‘On Startup’ setting. I recommend changing this to ‘Continue where you left off’. By using this setting when you close your browser it will remember all of the tabs you had open. The next time you open your browser, even if it's after restarting your PC, you can pick up where you left off.

One last pro tip. Instead of clicking the X when you’re finished using Chrome, click the menu and click Exit from the bottom. When you do this, all of your Chrome windows will close together. When you have the startup option set for continue where you left off, the next time you open Chrome all of your windows AND all of you tabs will be restored.


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