How to cancel time off request in Ultipro

How to cancel time off request in Ultipro

Please follow the steps listed below to submit cancellations requests for time off in Ultipro.  

  1. Login to Ultipro (via Okta single sign-on connection)

  2. Click Menu (upper lefthand corner)

  3. Under Myself section, click Time Management

  4. Click scheduler > requests

  5. If the time off request has been approved but still in a pending status then you may cancel it by selecting the applicable time off option you wish to cancel in the list and then click cancel. 

  6. Once submitted, the cancellation request will route to your manager for approval

  7. If the time off cancellation request in question has already been posted in a current or past pay period and no longer in an “Approved” or “Pending” status then a manual correction will need to be processed to adjust this.

  8. If manual adjustment is required, please email Belinda McCalip, Payroll Specialist for Cross Company, at for further assistance or submit a HR helpdesk ticket by emailing